Ubuntu 16.04 Venv Install

I am trying to install hass in Ubuntu 16.04 using Venv. I have followed the install instructions (using python3) and have confirmed I have python 3.6.3 installed (using apt-get method). I have also tried update-alternatives both system wide and inside the Venv. Regardless, I keep getting the “HASS requires at least 3.5.3” message. How do I solve this problem?

Exactly what instructions are you following?
You realize there is a newer Ubuntu 18.04 LTS right?
I am currently running a venv on raspbian which is also based on Debian. What version of HA are you trying to install? I think the latest 0.91.x added some dependencies.

Those are the instructions I’m following. Yes I know, but I don’t believe Unifi supports 18.04 at the moment. I am migrating from a pi3 to a NUC, so for the moment I just want to switch over my current config to the NUC, which is on 0.81.6

Raspbian is based on Debian. Not Ubuntu.

I’m also on 16.04 and switched to python 3.7 last week.
Here’s what i did:

# Install some dependencies
apt install software-properties-common

# Add ppa for python 3.7 and install
add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
apt update
apt install python3.7 python3.7-dev autoconf automake libtool

# check python 3.7 version
python3.7 --version

# Create 3.7 venv
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.7 /srv/homeassistant
cd /srv/homeassistant
# Activate it
. bin/activate
# Check that venv uses 3.7
python --version

# Upgrade pip and some tools
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install setuptools

# Install homeassistant
pip install --upgrade homeassistant

You are right. I thought one thing & typed something else. :frowning:

Those are what I initially used but I think there are some other dependencies I needed to add for zwave on 0.91.1.
Here is what I needed to add for the compile to work.

Thank you! I’ll give this a go. I’ll just delete the old venv and proceed with these instructions. I assume I won’t need to do anything with update-alternatives?

Thank you, I’ll try those development libraries and see what it gets me. Would that cause 3.5 to still be the default python version?

The development libraries should be for the same version. Just with added files used by home-assistant

It could be that you have two versions of Python 3 installed, and the venv command to create the virtual environment is using the older version. Try specifying 3.6.3 when you create the virtual environment

virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.6.3 /srv/homeassistant

or just uninstalling the old version, if you don’t need it.

Yes, when creating a venv you need to specify python3.
Even though python goes totally out of support the beginning of next year, many vendor tools still depend on it.