UI Bug in HomeKit Bridge Integration

Not sure where to file this so adding here. Please advise

Issue with HA HomeKit Bridge Domain Selection Sub Menu

When you go into the sub menu the window is constrained (this doesn’t change when you use Zoom in or out commands in browser) which means you don’t see the entire list of selections. For example in a Safari browser window full screen I only see Cover down to Valve is all the window will show me. The other items are there but you cannot see them as the scroll bar doesn’t scroll up or down enough and you cannot resize the window. This looks like a UI issue, are you aware of this ? If not please add to be fixed

Similarly in the Home Assistant iOS app (again in HomeKit Bridge under Devices & Services) you cannot even select Domains in that UI, only entities for Domains you’ve chosen from the Desktop version. This should be consistent feature from Desktop to mobile.


This is a frontend issue so please report it here if it has not already been reported: