Hi was hoping someone could point me in the right direction, im new to HAS (come from RTI background so less coding) i followed this guide Salt level sensor for water softener in Home Assistant with ESPHome – ADONNO and brought the D1 mini and HCSR04 Sensors set it up as described added in the line allow_other_uses: true so that it would validate and uploaded.
The D1 mini is connected fine but i get no readings from the Sensor, on the ESPHome device page its says level sensor cm NA and percent NA
here is my ,yamal
name: level-sensor
platform: ESP8266
board: d1_mini
WiFi connection, replace these with values for your WiFi.
ssid: “**********”
password: “***********”
Enable logging
Enable Home Assistant API
Enable over-the-air updates.
platform: esphome
Enable Web server.
port: 80
Sync time with Home Assistant.
- platform: homeassistant
id: homeassistant_time
Text sensors with general information.
Expose ESPHome version as sensor.
- platform: version
name: level-sensor ESPHome Version
Expose WiFi information as sensors.
- platform: wifi_info
name: level-sensor IP
name: level-sensor SSID
name: level-sensor BSSID
Exposed switches.
Switch to restart the salt_level_sensor.
- platform: restart
name: “level-sensor Restart”
Uptime sensor.
- platform: uptime
name: level-sensor Uptime
WiFi Signal sensor.
platform: wifi_signal
name: level-sensor WiFi Signal
update_interval: 60s -
platform: ultrasonic
number: D1
allow_other_uses: true
number: D2
allow_other_uses: true
name: “level-sensor in percent”
update_interval: 24h
filters:Calculate level in percent
Sensor comes from factory with unit of measurement set in meters
Storage tank height (sensor to bottom of tank) = 84.7cm, 0.847m
Subtract measured value from the storage tank height => difference is the salt level = 84.7cm - 44.7cm = 40cm, .847m - .447m = .400
100 % salt level is the container height minus 0.400 meters since nobody will drawn the sensor at full salt level
divide salt level through container height minus 0.4000, then multiply result with 100 to achieve percents
- lambda: return (0.847-x) * (100/0.847);
unit_of_measurement: “%”
- lambda: return (0.847-x) * (100/0.847);
platform: ultrasonic
number: D1
allow_other_uses: true
number: D2
allow_other_uses: true
name: “level-sensor in cm”
update_interval: 24h
filters:Container height 52.75cm. From the sensor to the top of the water that accumulates in the bin.
Multiply result by 100 - convert M to CM. Sensor works in meters
- lambda: return (0.847-x)*100.0;
unit_of_measurement: “cm”
- lambda: return (0.847-x)*100.0;
any help would be appreciated greatly