Unable to access HA with Rhasspy [solved]

Turns out that i was not getting the token fully copied. User error!


Hello all,

I am new to the forums and mostly new to Home Assistant.

I am trying to configure Rhasspy to work with my Docker Home Assistant installation. I set up Rhaspy to use Home Assistant for intents. In the settings I provided the URL, Access Token and selected the send intents radio button.

I think Rhasspy is configured correctly for this. But when an intent is sent to my HA server I get an unauthorized error message in both the Rasspy and HA logs.

I tried to determine if it was Home Assistant causing the problem so I went to the command line and tried the following curl command:

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer MY_TOKEN" -H “Content-Type: application/json" [http://HA-ADDR:8123/api](

And I get the unauthorized message return.

I am running 2022.12.0 version of HA

I have api: and intent: in my configuration.yml file.

Can anyone offer some insight to what my problem may be?

