Unable to access home assistant - ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE

Hi, I just installed Hassio and it worked fine. Then I configured these addons: configurator, mosquitto broker, duckdns.

I was configuring my router for duckdns opening port 8123 but something went wrong. I had to reset my router. So I reset everything in my router, including the reserved ip address for the raspberry PI.

when I do hassio.local:8123 or my.ip.address:8123 the browser doesn’t connect.

I checked and the device is actually connected to the router and I ping it and it works.

I cannot access my home assistant now and did not installed ssh. I get ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE

I can connect to my configurator via http://hassio.local:3218/

How can I access hassio? How do I fix this problem?

Thank you


Since the router lost the reservation for hassio, it may have assigned a different ip address.
Many routers that are also DHCP servers are able to show either what leases were assigned or what clients are active on the network

I confirm that my router is assigning the internal ip correctly ( as I assigned before)

If I go in the router I see IP: ASSIGNED TO: Hassio

In fact I can access

So why can’t I access the home assistant dashboard with ??

Any Idea of what I can do to fix this?

Thank you

I am not sure how, but I managed to fix it. Now I can enter the dashboard. Thanks for your help!

Hello, I have the same issue :

I moved my HA from my mum’s home to mine, the public IP was automatically updated by HA on DuckDNS - however I’m not able to access it in both local or internet with both the companion app and Duckduckgo.
I opened the ports and made a reservation for HA with its MAC address I found on the router. I can only access the HA from its command panel with hdmi, so it’s kinda hard to check the configurations.