Unable to connect to Home Assistant locally after enabling https

I have successfully enabled remote secure connection by following the guide " Effortless encryption with Let’s Encrypt and DuckDNS".

I can connect both remotely (https://xxx.duckdns.org) and locally (https://192.168.1.xxx:8123) from my Android mobile phone using Chrome. However when I try to connect locally from my local PC (I tried both Chrome and Edge in Windows) after entering the correct credentials I get the following prompt.


Any workaround on this issue?

Use http locally… You won’t be connecting remotely from anything on 192.168.1.xxx
You really need to use a reverse proxy to do this properly anyway,
Does your router support NAT loopback?

Thank you David for your suggestion.

I have succeeded to connect from the local LAN to by using my mobile phone (as mentioned previously) and a Linux virtual machine running on my local PC. My problem is that I the connection is refused when using Windows on my local PC. I tried both Chrome and Edge, cleared cache but I still get the same error message.
How do you explain this?

P.S. Unfortunatelly my router does not support NAT loopback.

Edit your windows hosts file


Add an entry xxx.duckdns.org

On recent windows versions, you won’t be able to save, so save to documents, then copy it over to

Look at using a reverse proxy.

For some reason I managed to connect from the local Windows PC by entering https://xxx.duckdns.org:8123/ :slight_smile:

Looks strange because I am using port 443 for outside connections which is forwarded to 8123 by the router. Anyway, issue fixed.

Thank you all for your support!

Yes, this entry solved the problem! Then I need to use the xxx.duckdns.org with the internal tcp port, 8123 in this case.