Unable to get homeassistant to restart when adding z-wave configuration

first and foremost, so happy to be here!!! I love this thing just trying to setup zwave…

so first of all i noticed i have two users homeassistant and pi. i didn’t create the homeassistant user, whats the default password? is that the source of my issues?

here is my zwave code


usb_path: /dev/ttyACM0

config_path: /srv/homeassistant/homeassistant_venv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/libopenzwave-0.3.3-py3.5-linux-armv7l.egg/config

if i comment it out, everything works and i can access the client at the ip address : 8123.

however if i uncomment that, no dice, i can ssh in and view the samba share, but I can’t access

(I see you’re also asking this on the Discord channels)

No default password for the homeassistant user, access it via sudo.

(See the big blue box for how to correctly format your configuration section when posting)

  1. What does ls -al /dev/ttyACM0 show?
  2. What if you comment out the config_path section?
  3. How did you install, Hassbian, AIO, other…?