Unable to link Google Assistant to HA

Newbie here (first post), I have spend many brain numbing days/hours trying to get my HA instance linked to Google home with no success.

I am running Hassio (83.3) I have followed these instructions, Google Asssistant and watched any applicable YT videos. I have deleted my first project on Google console and started over. I also deleted browser cache on my phone and tried Firefox.

This is what is happening, I go into the Google Home app to link account, I have 2 test apps to choose from, one opens a browser and hangs up, the other gives me a login to HA. Using this one will return to GH app and then I receive this error, “Could not update settings check connection”

This leads me to believe its an api error, so I checked my logger add-on and seen the following that is generated as soon as I tap my test app in GH:
2018-12-09 16:54:46 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http.view] Serving /auth/authorize to xx.xxx.xxx.xxx (auth: False)

2018-12-09 16:54:46 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http.view] Serving /auth/providers to xx.xxx.xxx.xxx (auth: False)

2018-12-09 16:54:46 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http.view] Serving /auth/login_flow to xx.xxx.xxx.xxx (auth: False)

Here is my config.yaml:

  project_id: hassio3-5258f
  api_key: !secret googleAPI
  expose_by_default: false
    #- switch
    #- light
    #- group
      name: closet_light
      expose: true
      room: Hallway

My api key string ends in apps.googleusercontent.com, an OAUTH api? Is this correct. When I am in Homegraph API it tells me this api is sufficient for my project for calling from a web browser (java script), accessing user data. Is that correct.

Didn’t mean to be long winded, just trying to offer the facts.
Appreciate any help!!:grinning:

I’m facing this exact issue. HA and Assistant seemed to be working up until two days ago.

I’m running 0.84.2.

Same here, since update to 0.84.2 connection to google assistant is lost. Have updated to 0.84.3 without success.

@Ritchk as for the HomeGraph API key, in the Google Cloud Console, there should be a project created with the same project ID as the one created in Google Actions. After enabling HomeGraph, I created an API key.


Thanks for the reply!!
Still unable to link account. Since my last post one of my test apps listed in the GH app disappeared, of course it was the one that was returning the HA login. I created a 4th project and it created another test app in GH and it too returns nothing via Firefox. I cut and pasted the url in my desktop browser (chrome) and I get "This site can’t be reached XXX.duckdns.org took too long to respond. Try checking connection, proxy, firewall…
I have updated to 84.2
Is there any other information I can offer that can help troubleshooting efforts?

Are you by chance using nginx as a reverse proxy? If so, do the access and error logs show anything?

I’ve gotten HA to link with Assistant, but it has stopped working again. When I try accessing HA from outside my network the connection gets refused. It seems to be intermittent.

No I am not.

I have tried linking on my network and off, same results. Like I mentioned earlier, I was successful at getting a HA login via GH but it went no further than that, now that app is gone, I have no idea what the difference was. I noticed some tutorials instruct to use the “implicit” setting under “Linking Type”. Don’t know the difference by I’m going to try that.

Solved!! Finally… Been a fan of Dr. Zz’s on YT regarding HA and Tasmota, he dedicated a live stream to this very topic 2 nights ago, here’s the link… https://youtu.be/fqi_p15eI8A . Here I was using the wrong port in my URL, I should have been using 443 instead of 8123. Now if I can figure out my Schlage Lock!

Hi, obviously this might not resolve your problem but for me the issue was that my SSL certificate on the home assistant site was not publicly trusted (I just used self-signed certificate). Basically, if you open your HA URL (like https://your.homeassistant.url:8123) outside of your home network (such as on your mobile via data connection) you mustn’t see any certificate errors at all. The common name or SAN must match, the whole certificate chain must be trusted, it must not be expired and in your browser (ideally Chrome) it must say SECURE to the left of the URL. I used sslforfree for the SSL certificate but letsencrypt also works well. Hope this helps someone.