Unable to Open Camera Sub View from Android Actionable Notification

I am trying to create an actionable notification that when clicked it will open a sub camera view. Unfortunately everything I have tried so far only opens the main dashboard page and I can’t get it to open the sub view. There are plenty of examples listed throughout this forum but nothing has worked for me so far. Here is my current automation action yaml part:

  message: "{{ response.text }}"
  title: >-
    Person has been detected at the front door  {{ now().strftime("%-m.%-d.%Y
    %-I:%M:%S %p") }}
    image: /local/tmp/snapshot-doorbell.jpg
    entity_id: camera.reolink_front_doorbell_fluent_2
      - action: uri
        title: "View Front Doorbell Camera"
        uri: "/rsp-home/front-doorbell-camera"

I receive the notification on my phone along with the snapshot however the action part to open the sub view of the frontdoor bell camera doesn’t work. It only goes to the main dashboard view. I have tried changing the “uri” to “url” because I saw that mentioned in a few posts but that didn’t work. I tried with and without quotes. Anyone have an idea what I am doing incorrectly and what needs to change?

Finally was able to make this work. Used this config:

  message: "{{ response.text }}"
  title: >-
    Person has been detected at the front door  {{ now().strftime("%-m.%-d.%Y
    %-I:%M:%S %p") }}
    image: "/local/tmp/snapshot-doorbell.jpg"
    clickAction: /rsp-home/front-doorbell-camera

this will show you a notification with a button that you may need to expand to see to get to the view

this corresponds to the entire notification and not just the button wtih the provided title

the 2 are not completely the same

Thanks, however my original config didn’t show a button and I could never get it to go to the camera (sub)view. Once I changed it to my second posting config did I get it to go to that view

ah yes it was not configured properly

action: "URI" instead of uri