Hi, I was happily running nodered as a hassio add on when I decided to switch over to running it as a separate docker container. I did not like running it separately and so switched back to running it as a hassio addon. My node-red directory has been the same on both installations. But the issue I am facing is that i am unable to open node-red in the ingress mode within home assistant. Node run is running fine though and all my flows are working fine - i just cant see or make changes to any flows as node red doesn’t open up. Instead of the nodered screen it opens up the dashboard view within dashboard view. If I continue to click on the node-red sidebar i can get multiple dashboard views within it. I can try removing my installation completely and try reimporting flows but then that’s too much work, so reaching out to see if there is an easier way to solve this.
My installation : Home assistant with supervisor on X86 Debian machine.
Please see screenshot for details