Unable to reach the Home Assistant cloud. and multiple other problems

My system ahs suddenly developed multiple issues all at the same time:

  1. I can no longer access Home Assistant from my Android phone thru the app.
  2. When I go to Settings → Home Assistant Cloud and try to log in I get the error “Unable to reach the Home Assistant cloud.”
    3 Several Integrations have stopped working
    Google Nest, Calendar and Mail
    Environment Canada (yes, I’m Canadian eh?)
  3. I cannot access my home assistant from outside using the Remote Access URL

I have disabled IPv6 and set IPv4 to a static IP.

I can log onto my Nabu Casa account and all seems to be in order.

I apologize in advance for the poor formating of my question. (its my first time).

Thank you in advance

It sounds like HA can’t access the Internet. I’m guessing you’ve already restarted HA (not a reboot, but a full restart) as well as power-cycled your router?


Yes, I’ve done a full restart on everything.

And Yes, that’s what I was thinking. This is what I get when I ping in the Terminal.

➜ ~ ping google.com
ping: bad address ‘google.com
➜ ~

Tell us about:

  1. Your chosen installation method.
  2. Your local network setup and how HA is connected, any DNS filters you use (e.g. pihole) and if you use a reverse proxy.
  3. What errors you see in your logs.
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Tom’s right. All things are name resolution problems until proven otherwise. And that proves it IS a name resolution problem. Wherever your HA instance thinks it’s getting DNS from isn’t working very well.