Unable to remove Zwave Integration

I’m attempting to move Zwave functionality from the RPi3 to the Ubuntu server. I’ve installed HASS.io on the Ubuntu server and have moved the Zstick (which is visible in the hardware settings.)

I’ve removed all nodes from the previous integration on the Pi3, removed all references that I know about in the /config folder to Zwave, and restarted, yet the integration still exists. How can I completely remove any reference to Zwave from the previous HASS.io installation?

The new instance of HASS.io isn’t seeing the zwave configuration at all, so I don’t know what to do. Any ideas?

Does zwave show in your core.config_entries file? That file is located in the .storage folder where your configuration is saved. If zwave is there, you can delete the integration from that file, save it and then restart HomeAssistant

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Actually, stop Home Assistant before messing with any files in .storage and be sure you have a backup copy first in cast something gets messed up.

Okay, I got it removed. It was the config_entries file which I was editing when you responded just to see if it would work…


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