Having some issues with some external components using HA identification, I wanted to make it clean but I failed ! As stated here https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/authentication/ I have stopped HA, deleted the auth, auth_provider.homeassistant files (no onboarding file on mine), deleted cookies in my browser and restarted HA !
Now all I have is that and if I click on Start Over, nothing happens ! Tried too with a different browser but same !
I commented out also in my config file these:
Oups sorry to have missed that ! So I commented out both the http//trusted_network section and the auth_providers one, removed the auth* file in .storage ! But now it asks me directly to login without any way to create an account or let me in directly…
Tried that yesterday already and not much more success, killing my head on that !! But my hassio system is perhaps too the issue !! As I have no way to control HA in hassio (without web access to it), my only way to do that is delete files through the samba share and immediately restart HA by power cycling but HA is still running while doing it…
Pfiu start to be so bored of that problem and the pain in the ass hassio is when you have any problem
As advised by Tinkerer on discord, I went by the terminal way but not much better !! Login physically on pi as root, get hassos prompt so you can stop ha before deleting files ! Unhappy when you stop ha it stops too the samba share so wanted to delete files from console but no way to find out how to access prompt of host os login command is not working well not giving access at console of host os…
I have given up on that problem (see other thread about it) as it’s crazy and discovered it’s impossible to reset the auth system of HA if you loose master password of it !! Very nice design and only way is to restore a backup on a fresh new install