Unable to retrieve information from Apple TV 15.4

Hello the community,

Since a couple of weeks, my Apple TV integration with [GitHub - postlund/hass-atv-beta: Beta version of new Apple TV integration in Home Assistant supporting tvOS 15 1](GitHub - postlund/hass-atv-beta: Beta version of new Apple TV integration in Home Assistant supporting tvOS 15 1) isn’t working anymore.

As you can see here, I believe that my integration is correctly linked to this beta version.
We can see on the card below that it’s provided by a custom integration

When I add a Media card on Lovelace and play a Youtube movie, i can’t see an update on the card anymore

A couple of weeks ago, this media card updated with the image of the played program.

What settings have changed or what I have to reconfigure to solve this.

PS : I have already remove the device, recreate and reconfigure by putting the 3 request of 4 digit PIN.