Pretty new to HA and stuggling to grasp the concepts
my configuration.yaml is :
# Load frontend themes from the themes folder
themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml
#Energy_from_battery: !include sofar.yaml
#homematic: !include homematic.yaml
energy: !include sofar.yaml
light: !include lights.yaml
and sofar.yaml is :
#Sofar ME3000SP Sofar2mqtt sensors
#Updated to now include the new MQTT sensors required for 2022.12 release of Home Assistant onwards
- platform: integration
name: Energy_from_battery
source: sensor.inverter_battery_discharge
unit_prefix: k
unit_time: h
method: left
- platform: integration
name: Energy_to_battery
source: sensor.inverter_battery_charge
unit_prefix: k
unit_time: h
method: left
- name: "inverter_running_state"
state_topic: "sofar/state"
value_template: >-
{% if value_json.running_state == 0 %}
{{ "0-Standby" }}
{% elif value_json.running_state == 1 %}
{{ "1-Check charge" }}
{% elif value_json.running_state == 2 %}
{{ "2-Charging" }}
{% elif value_json.running_state == 3 %}
{{ "3-Check discharge" }}
{% elif value_json.running_state == 4 %}
{{ "4-Discharging" }}
{% elif value_json.running_state == 5 %}
{{ "5-EPSState" }}
{% elif value_json.running_state == 6 %}
{{ "6-Fault" }}
{% elif value_json.running_state == 7 %}
{{ "7-Perminant Fault" }}
{% else %}
{{ "Undeterminated" }}
{% endif %}
- name: "grid_voltage"
state_topic: "sofar/state"
unit_of_measurement: "V"
device_class: voltage
state_class: measurement
value_template: "{{ value_json.grid_voltage / 10}}"
- name: "grid_current"
state_topic: "sofar/state"
unit_of_measurement: "A"
device_class: current
state_class: measurement
value_template: "{{ value_json.grid_current /100 }}"
yet, no device appears in my list.
What did i do wrong ?