Unexpected hue status updates when using long transitions

I am noticing something strange on the reported status of hue lights when using long transitions.

eg. I turn the light on (8:07:51) and then off using a 60s transition:

service: light.turn_off
  transition: 60
  entity_id: light.go_uno

At first the light is reported as being off (8:08:10), however a few seconds later it comes back on (8:08:10), then it goes off again (8:10:06, which is much later than the 60 seconds of the transition that ended at 8:09:10):

Basically, it looks like HA immediately sets the status of the light to the final state (ie. off) but during the transition it receives some status update from the Hue bridge with the light status in that specific moment of the transition (eg. on with brightness 70%).

I experienced something similar with much shorter transitions, too, but with long transitions is much more noticeable. The same happens with light.turn_on but in this case only the brightness is affected (hence less problems).

This is breaking some of my automations that relies on the lights being on or off. Is this a bug that can be fixed or is there a workaround?

BTW: I am using 2021.12.3 with the “new” hue integrations (that, after a few issues in 2012.12.2, does work fine!)

I have just realised I’m experiencing the same issue. Did you find a workaround?

I’ve been trying to find a workaround. I have made a helper toggle which I turn on and off before I trigger the lights on / off call service. Then rather than checking the state of the light, I check the state of the toggle. It’s not ideal as will quickly expand out the complication, but by using light groups, it seems to work so far