Unexplained template binary_sensor state value 'off' during HA restart

Hello HA enthusiasts. I’m trying to create a template binary sensor that determines whether we’re home or not based on a few inputs I’ve set up around the house. I want to tie other things to the “we’re home state” but I’ve noticed that when I restart Home Assistant the template binary sensor value goes to off for around 10-30 seconds.

I’ve tried using the availability template to make the sensor go to unavailable instead of off but that doesn’t seem to work during a restart because the value still represents as off. Also, when I look at the history of all the input values, they’re valid for the period of time that the output is off!


… I had posted a bunch of yaml with my complicated boolean equations with several inputs and a screen shot of the history of all of that but through trial and error I just simplified all of it out and determined that this simple YAML shows the problem very clearly:

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Buggy Binary Template Sensor
        value_template: "{{ true }}"

Shows this on a Home Assistant restart:

Any ideas?