I have 2021.12.9 running in a docker container on a Ubuntu NUC. Not sure when exactly, but I started to see metrics showing a steady 4-5Mbs of traffic coming from my UniFi UDM Pro to the HA container on my NUC. I’ve seen traffic peak as high as 20Mbs. Looks like traffic is coming into a random port since it changes if I restart my HA container. My metric data comes from netdata, iftop, nethogs, and all tools are consistent. The HA python process is receiving a steady 5Mbs of traffic from my Unifi UDM pro.
If I disable the UniFi integration, traffic drops to nearly 0.
Why is the UniFi integration pulling so much data constantly? I get pulling some metrics data, but this is basically streaming a video constantly. That seems a little much.