Unifi Integration on Dream Machine Pro


I am on 0.109.2 and had the impression I can use the unifi integration with my UDM Pro. I set up a local user in the unifi OS. I gave this user full permission for “network” (Admin and Hotspot Operator).

I added the integration via the UI (host= local IP of UDMP, user = local user name, and password, port = 8443 unchanged).

After pressing save I get an error “No service available” (German “Kein Dienst verfügbar”). What am I supposed to do differently?

The UDM is on 1.6.6 / 5.12.67. I am on 2FA. I turned it off some minutes ago and tried again with no change in behaviour. Login on the web interface of the UDMP worked with the hass user.

This is the log on the hass

2020-05-03 11:21:31 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.unifi] Error connecting to the UniFi controller at x.y.z.1

hass runs in a docker on a pi which is in the same subnet as the UDMP.

I can ping th udmp from within the docker.

$ docker exec -ti hass /bin/bash
bash-5.0# ping x.y.z.1
PING x.y.z.1 (x.y.z.1): 56 data bytes
64 bytes from x.y.z.1: seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.531 ms
64 bytes from x.y.z.1: seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.419 ms

I guess I need to add some port information between docker and host os that this works.


UDM pro works for me, but you need to use port 443 instead of 8443


Thanks. Works. I did not find this documented somehwere.

can someone screenshot what they are seeing for integration? all i see is a “upnp” integration which doesn’t seem like the right one


I haven’t used it yet, but pretty sure they’re referring to the integration here:


omg i’m so dumb, there is now a “plus” sign on the bottom right of the screen. i finally got used to yaml and now i have to remember how to UI again.