Unique ID on onewire integration


The 1-wire integration can be setup using three different methods:

  • OWFS (uses FUSE to local filesystem)
  • OWServer (over the network)
  • SysBus

Even though each component has a unique hardware ID, the three methods use a slightly different way to generate a unique id:

  • OWFS will generate {owfs_root}/{hardware_id}/{sensor_type}
  • OWServer will generate /{hardware_id}/{sensor_type}
  • SysBus will generate /sys/bus/w1/devices/{hardware_id}/w1_slave

Example with hardware device “12.ABC000000000”, sensor type “temperature”

  • OWFS will generate /mnt/owfs/12.ABC000000000/temperature
  • OWServer will generate /12.ABC000000000/temperature
  • SysBus will generate /sys/bus/w1/devices/12-ABC000000000/w1_slave

As I am attempting to create switch and binary_sensor platforms for onewire, should these be standardised? I am tempted to use the OWServer method: “/12.ABC000000000/temperature” for all entities but this would mean a breaking change for those using OWFS or SysBus.