Unknown device tracker added

Hi guys

I have been using HA for a while now and all of a sudden I have noticed I got some device tracker add to my HA with the entity as device_tracker.dave. Now as far as I know no one named lives in my house.

I tried to check my known_devices.yaml and I see dave there but with no information. All I have regarding dave in my known_devices.yaml is:

  mac: FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
  name: Dave
  track: true

I dont think anyone has tried to hack or get into my HA as it is secure but this device tracker is strange. I havent named any of my devices as dave either.

Anyone facing similar issues?



I have also found a device tracker named : device_tracker.6833315167254254 and it has its geo location, battery level etc. The lat and long is of my home address and it shows that its at home. However I have no idea which device is this. It definitely is a mobile with my HA installed in it.

Did you install the mobile app?

Yeah I did

If you look under “integrations”, you should see a mobile app entry there. It will show you any entities it created, and you can delete it if you no longer want it.


Did you happen to install the buienradar sensor?
I just installed it and all of the sudden, there’s Dave as well.

I had removed gpslogger after I downloaded the official HA android app but somehow I saw it in my integrations. So I deleted it and now the device_tracker.6833315167254254 is gone. Date still remains but I removed some off the webhooks and restarted my HA I now see dave gone.

nop I haven’t installed buienradar. However I am sure dave and the other device tracker came from gpslogger which was installed in my old phone before I sold it. Obviously I deleted all my apps and data I.e. done a hard reset of my android before selling it.

I also removed gpslogger integration from my integration in HA but like I mentioned in my OP dave and the other device tracker where coming up and the lat and long was where I live. So not sure whats happening there as my old android is sold to someone who doesn’t live around me.

I concluded that gpslogger was the one causing all the issues so I deleted it from my integration and restarted HA to which dave and the other device tracker were gone. I will keep an eye if another dave or device tracker comes up in my entities page. PHEW…

I did not install the glslogger or the buienradar and I just found this “dave” known_device also.
I tracked things into the home assistant database:
From the event_data in the events table:

115401      call_service     {"domain": "device_tracker", "service": "see", "service_data": {"mac": "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF", "dev_id"  LOCAL       2021-01-04 15:04:01.669355  2021-01-04 15:04:01.669355  0d25f074de9453dabea72bc3ffab0f43  2fff0070961b4a5
115403      device_tracker_  {"entity_id": "device_tracker.dave", "host_name": "Dave", "mac": "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF"}                 LOCAL       2021-01-04 15:04:01.670799  2021-01-04 15:04:01.670799  d4545d11b6aa72f7d0cf952ea3485bee

Further pull from the states table for this device shows initial state elated to GPS (which I don’t have on for my phone!):

65806       device_tracker  device_tracker.dave  home        {"source_type": "gps", "latitude": 51.509802, "longitude": -0.086692, "gps_accuracy": 80, "battery": 100, "friendly_name": "Dave"}  115402      2021-01-04 15:04:01.670514  2021-01-04 15:04:01.670514  2021-01-04 15:04:01.670514

Event origin is “LOCAL”

Which “home” state via google maps traces to Lat and Long of a hairdresser/pub in London!! ( 51.509802, -0.086692) with GPS accuracy of 80 and battery 100…
Every other log entry from then on shows state “not_home”

Is it a default test data entry on some component? How can I see which integration or install added this device? I’m new to the database and other install stuff so others may know more…

I’m curious now…