Unknown warning in log

I get the following in my HA log:

2017-12-24 13:52:18 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.condition] Value cannot be processed as a number:

It hasn’t caused any troubles (as far as I know…) but I get two entries for the same warning in the log on every restart.

I would like to get rid of it if for nothing else than to just keep the log tidied up.

Any idea how I could track down where this is coming from?

Total guess, but I think you either have a template somewhere with = , > or < in it, so it’s expecting an integer, but it isn’t getting one.

So either you need to add |int to the item it’s being passed if it should be a number, or change = to == if it’s supposed to be saying it is ‘identical to’.

Or, you have a numeric state condition/trigger that is being passed a string.

Thanks for the suggestions…

I have a few notifications based on numeric_state. They are all similar to the example below:

- id: SSL_expire_notify
  alias: 'SSL expiry notification'
    platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.ssl_cert_expiry
    below: 21
    service: notify.gmail_notify
      message: 'Warning - SSL certificate expires in 21 days and has not been automatically renewed'   

I changed all of them to be equivalent to changing the number after “below:” to ‘21’ (added single quotes) and still I get the warning. And I have a total of four automations that use the same format but I only get two warnings. So I don’t think it’s from a numeric_state conflict.

I’ve gone through my automations, sensors, scripts, binary sensors & customizations looking for any culprits. I’ve modified anything I even suspected in the slightest that might be causing it. The warning still remains.

It would be nice if there was something that would point more directly to the problem as opposed to some vague unspecified warning.


    platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.ssl_cert_expiry
    below: 21


    platform: template
    value_template: '{{ states.sensor.ssl_cert_expiry.state | int < 21 }}'

That’ll remove the warnings.
Not sure why HA warns about this as it seems perfectly correctly written, anyway I had to do this for all my numeric_state triggers and it fixed my issues


That seems to have fixed it.
