Unknown Z-Wave wireless Door Contact

Hi Guys,

I have a wireless door contact that says it is made by Axis but I know it is OEMed. It is partially supported as it connects and lists some states and it seems the battery level is accurate.

I figured out that the ‘Access Control’ value is the one that monitors open or closed. The Access Control value/state is 22 when open and 23 when closed. This is monitoring the liquor cabinet as I have a step-son I can’t always trust. How would I build an alert from this seeing as that it isn’t fully supported in HA?

“Unknown” just means it’s not in the OpenZWave database, it’s still mostly functional. Even if it was known you would have the same sensor. Either you just trigger on the integer values, or you create a template binary sensor and trigger off it. https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/z-wave/entities/#access-control-entity.

There’s also the OpenZWave Beta, which creates the binary sensors automatically using similar logic as the template.