Unpairing Tradfri on/off Switch from Tradfri Power Control Outlet


I’ve bought an IKEA Tradfri product bundle that contained a Tradfri on/off Switch and a Power Control Outlet in a bundle.
It was very easy to set both products up with homeassistant via my Zigbee gateway and i can use them in whatever automation i desire.

Now the point is that while i can use them individually in automation, the on/off button still seems paired with the control outlet.
In order to change that, i have individually reset both, but the button still always triggers the control outlet, which is not what i want.
I would like both products to behave as if they don’t know each other and then couple the on/off switch’s events to other devices and not the control outlet.

I have googled how to “unpair” these devices, but everything i found did not work (due to mostly seemingly deprecated instructions).
Is there a way to make the control outlet forget about the switch it was packaged with?

ZHA or Zigbee2MQTT ? Search for bind / unbind

I don’t have Zigbee2MQTT. Not sure what ZHA is, as i just use the standard homeassistant container.

Thank you for pointing out that i could serach for “bind” and “unbind” - but where do i search for that?

Then it is ZHA.

See this chapter: Zigbee Home Automation - Home Assistant

Thank you. The description there makes sense, although it does not explain how to change bindings, so i experimented in the homeasisstant UI.

I went to settings → devices & services, selected my zigbee gateway there.
Then, for both the “IKEA of Sweden TRADFRI on/off switch” and “IKEA of Sweden TRADFRI control outlet”, i clicked on the device, opened “Manage Zigbee Device”, opened the “Bindings” Tab, and tried to “unbind” from the other device there.
In addition to that, i selected the “bindable group” “default lightlink group”, checked all the checkboxes and clicked “unbind group”.
After a few seconds, the buttons went green.

This all had no effect. I still have the same problem.
Did i do the wrong thing, or was it not enough?

You have to wake up your IKEA of Sweden TRADFRI on/off switch first by pressing it before doing that.

Yes, that did it! Thank you so much!!