Unresponsive devices in automation missed when triggered - tips and suggestions please!

Okay, so got some Hue bulbs which every few minutes become unresponsive for between a few seconds and a minute…that’s another problem to sort out and one I’ll be dealing with later.

In the meantime, I have some automation’s that turn these on and off - HOWEVER if they’re unavailable when this runs then they don’t get set, argh!! So trying to overcome that and went down a repeat route in scripts:

alias: repeat
    - device_id: 8417439d99904f38a0b8aeb92d85d201
      domain: light
      entity_id: light.landing
      type: turn_off
    - delay: '00:01'
    - condition: state
      entity_id: light.landing
      state: 'unavailable'

As a newbie here is there a better way to achieve this, problems I can see is if someone turns the bulb off physically this script will keep going - to that was considering adding…

            - condition: template
              value_template: "{{ repeat.index <= 5 }}"

…into my while statement (which would effectively I think stop after 5 minutes given the delay in the sequence block.

I guess my question to collective - first time outside of setting something up via YAML as opposed to letting the UI guide me would you suggest I’m on the right road or any other suggestions for a better solution (other than sorting the bulbs out!). Thanks all

Done a bit of ‘tuning’ and switch to the until statement (documentation states “Therefore the sequence will always run at least once” which led me to think the while might not trigger at all when everything is fine); again open to suggestions as to the best way to achieve the desired result:

alias: repeat
    - device_id: 93ac92c00f62404c9b49463acfa5d897
      domain: light
      entity_id: light.front_room
      type: turn_off
    - delay:
        seconds: 10
    - condition: state
      entity_id: light.front_room
      state: 'off'

Please see the most recent version of the docs for the repeat action. That doesn’t look like a properly formatted script. E.g., (assuming that is in your scripts.yaml file) I think it should be:

  alias: Turn off front room light
        - device_id: 93ac92c00f62404c9b49463acfa5d897
          domain: light
          entity_id: light.front_room
          type: turn_off
        - delay: 10
        - condition: state
          entity_id: light.front_room
          state: 'off'

But it might be better to use the “while loop” version so it only delays when it needs to:

  alias: Turn off front room light
    - device_id: 93ac92c00f62404c9b49463acfa5d897
      domain: light
      entity_id: light.front_room
      type: turn_off
    - repeat:
          - condition: not
              - condition: state
                entity_id: light.front_room
                state: 'off'
          - delay: 10
          - device_id: 93ac92c00f62404c9b49463acfa5d897
            domain: light
            entity_id: light.front_room
            type: turn_off

Hi @pnbruckner - AWESOME, thanks. It would have probably taken me another week to have got to that point and appreciate the validation I was moving in the right direction!

(I had snipped only a segment of the yaml from scripts regarding you comment about incorrectly formatted - note to self, take the lot next time)

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