I’m just getting started with HA, so apologies in advance if this is something simple. Current setup is running HASSIO on a Pi 4 2gb with the HUSBZB-1 usb stick for z-wave and zigbee. I’ve had it up and running for about a week and a half now. At first everything worked well, but after a day or two I’ve noticed that I have weird random issues where my zigbee devices either don’t respond at all, are delayed by a minute or so to change state, or have changed state but do not reflect that in the Lovelace UI. At one point I lost all zigbee devices in Lovelace while away from home, but was able to log in remotely and restart and they came back when it booted back up. I had done a buch of zha.permit service calls that day trying to add a device though, so I chalked it up to that.
Most of the devices are lights (mixture of Cree and OSRAM/Sylvania), along with some Xiaomi motion and door sensors.
Example: Motion sensor on porch set to turn on lights after sunset. Last night at around 11:15 I let the dog out and no lights came on. I went out on the porch, stood still for a minute in the dark, then moved again and the lights came on. Looking at the logs, it sees the 2nd movement, but not the first.
These same sensors had no issues with SmartThings, but I wanted to get away from the cloud, and was having some delays with WebCORE running automations.
I’ve also noticed a delay when using Lovelace to set a light to on or off. Sometimes it works instantly, other times it works after about 20 or 30 seconds, and sometimes not at all. Another cycle of on/off is required to turn the light on. Oddly, the other light in the same room would turn on (and it has been reversed where the light that usually works does not, and the one that usually doesn’t work, does).
Seems like some zigbee calls are just not being received or sent randomly. With the lights sometimes they work just fine, other times one of 2 in a group will turn on. The Pi is located within a few feet of my router, but so was the ST hub, so not sure if that’s the issue. I’ve moved it as far as I can without rewiring, and it’s in a somewhat central location within the house with an even spread of zigbee devices so range shouldn’t be an issue (it has not been in the past). Zwave devices seem to be ok so far. Is there any additional logs I can view in HA to see what is or isn’t being sent/received in zigbee? Can I view a map of the mesh network if I’m not using deCONZ somehow? It seems like it’s some sort of interference or zigbee mesh issue.