I have followed the instructions for a vanilla unsupervised / OS installation but I get stuck, no luck in accessing the device using http using either <IP address>:8123 or homeassistant.local:8123.
I have a Pi 4 and the issue is the same whether i try the 32-bit image or the 64-bit image. (So I am sticking to the 64-bit version.)
I when I connect to the console I cannot type any commands except “login”, I get the following message:
ha > core check
Processing… Done.Post http://supervisor/core/check: dial tcp connect: connection refused
I searched the forum and there was a suggestion that maybe the time of day was not set properly but this was not the problem.
When I check logs with “docker logs hassio_supervisor” I get this:
Some kind of connectivity problem it seems but I can ping different hosts from my Pi so not obvious what is the problem.
I found some suggestions that pointing DNS to and would help. I assigned a static IP address mapping in my DHCP server and configured these DNS servers but still the same problem.
I have a pfSense router / firewall. Is there some known issue with pfSense?