Unusual Issue with a Movement Sensor


So here’s my code…

  off_hour: '5'

  name: esp4-bdrmlights
  platform: ESP8266
  board: d1_mini
  - wait_until:
      condition: api.connected
  - delay: 2s
  - if:
        - binary_sensor.is_on: bdrm_pir
        - sun.is_below_horizon:
        - lambda: |-
            auto hour = id(ha_time).now().hour;
            return hour > 12 || hour < ${off_hour};
      - light.turn_on:
          id: bdrm_led_lights
          brightness: 40%

  pin: GPIO2

# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API

  password: "REDACTED"

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Esp4-Bdrmlights Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "REDACTED"


#Temperature Sensor Pin
  - pin: GPIO2
    update_interval: 30s

# Bedroom temperature sensor
  - platform: dallas
    id: in_bdrm_temp
    resolution: 12
    address: 0xED1D08B90164FF28
    name: "Bedroom Temperature"

  - platform: gpio
    pin: D2
    id: bdrm_pir
    name: "Bdrm PIR Sensor"
    device_class: motion
      - if:
              # If it's night time
              - sun.is_below_horizon:
              - lambda: |-
                  auto hour = id(ha_time).now().hour;
                  return hour > 12 || hour < ${off_hour};
              #Turn on the LED lights
              - light.turn_on:
                  id: bdrm_led_lights
                  brightness: 40%
                  effect: random
              - logger.log: "LED lights are ON"
              - delay: 90s
      - if:
              # If the PIR is OFF then turn off LED
              - binary_sensor.is_off: bdrm_pir
              # The LED's are turned off
              #- delay: 90s
              - light.turn_off:
                  id: bdrm_led_lights
                  transition_length: 7.5s
              - logger.log: "LED lights are OFF"

  latitude: !secret latitude
  longitude: !secret longitude

  platform: homeassistant
  timezone: !secret timezone
  id: ha_time
  - hours: ${off_hour}
    minutes: 0
    seconds: 0
    - light.turn_off:
        id: bdrm_led_lights

  broker: !secret mqtt_broker
  port: 1883
  reboot_timeout: 0s
  keepalive: 60s
  discovery: false

  - platform: fastled_clockless
    chipset: WS2812B
    pin: D1
    num_leds: 54
    rgb_order: GRB
    name: "FastLED WS2812B Light"
    id: bdrm_led_lights
    default_transition_length: 7.5s
      # Use default parameters:
      - random:
      # Customize parameters
      - random:
          name: "My Slow Random Effect"
          transition_length: 30s
          update_interval: 20s
      - addressable_rainbow:
          name: Rainbow Effect With Custom Values
          speed: 10
          width: 50
      - addressable_color_wipe:
      - addressable_color_wipe:
          name: Color Wipe Effect With Custom Values
            - red: 100%
              green: 100%
              blue: 100%
              num_leds: 1
            - red: 0%
              green: 0%
              blue: 0%
              num_leds: 1
          add_led_interval: 100ms
          reverse: false

I have found if I run the code above the LED lights constantly turn on, despite no one triggering the motion sensor. If I remove the following code…

#Temperature Sensor Pin
  - pin: GPIO2
    update_interval: 30s

# Bedroom temperature sensor
  - platform: dallas
    id: in_bdrm_temp
    resolution: 12
    address: 0xED1D08B90164FF28
    name: "Bedroom Temperature"

Everything runs fine, and the motion sensor doesn’t trigger, unless someone walks in front of it.

Why? What am I doing wrong?

You have connected the Dallas sensor to the status led gpio2 pin (d4)
So every time it tries to retrieve data from the Dallas temperature sensor it will blink.

So if you want to use the Dallas sensor maybe choose a different pin for it.

Hello Mattias,

Thank you for the help, I didn’t remember, silly mistake. I changed the dallas to be on D6 and the PIR trigger problem still persists. Read all the way to the end.

I found if I add the following to my code the problem doesn’t appear… and the dallas sensor is found on boot.

#Temperature Sensor Pin
  - pin: D6
    update_interval: 30s

Here’s my log after OTA update…

[16:56:14][I][app:102]: ESPHome version 2021.9.3 compiled on Oct 10 2021, 16:55:41
[16:56:14][C][status_led:019]: Status LED:
[16:56:14][C][status_led:020]:   Pin: GPIO2 (Mode: OUTPUT)
[16:56:14][C][wifi:501]: WiFi:
[16:56:14][C][wifi:361]:   SSID: [redacted]
[16:56:14][C][wifi:362]:   IP Address: [redacted]
[16:56:14][C][wifi:364]:   BSSID: [redacted]
[16:56:14][C][wifi:365]:   Hostname: 'esp4-bdrmlights'
[16:56:14][C][wifi:369]:   Signal strength: -46 dB ▂▄▆█
[16:56:14][C][wifi:373]:   Channel: 11
[16:56:14][C][wifi:374]:   Subnet:
[16:56:14][C][wifi:375]:   Gateway: [redacted]
[16:56:14][C][wifi:376]:   DNS1: [redacted]
[16:56:14][C][wifi:377]:   DNS2: (IP unset)
[16:56:14][C][gpio.binary_sensor:015]: GPIO Binary Sensor 'Bdrm PIR Sensor'
[16:56:14][C][gpio.binary_sensor:015]:   Device Class: 'motion'
[16:56:14][C][gpio.binary_sensor:016]:   Pin: GPIO4 (Mode: INPUT)
[16:56:14][C][fastled:019]: FastLED light:
[16:56:14][C][fastled:020]:   Num LEDs: 54
[16:56:14][C][fastled:021]:   Max refresh rate: 400
[16:56:14][C][logger:193]: Logger:
[16:56:14][C][logger:194]:   Level: DEBUG
[16:56:14][C][logger:195]:   Log Baud Rate: 115200
[16:56:14][C][logger:196]:   Hardware UART: UART0
[16:56:14][C][light:097]: Light 'FastLED WS2812B Light'
[16:56:14][C][light:099]:   Default Transition Length: 7.5s
[16:56:14][C][light:100]:   Gamma Correct: 2.80
[16:56:15][C][dallas.sensor:072]: DallasComponent:
[16:56:15][C][dallas.sensor:073]:   Pin: GPIO12 (Mode: OUTPUT)
[16:56:15][C][dallas.sensor:074]:   Update Interval: 30.0s
[16:56:15][D][dallas.sensor:079]:   Found sensors:
[16:56:15][D][dallas.sensor:082]:     0xED1D08B90164FF28
[16:56:15][C][homeassistant.time:010]: Home Assistant Time:
[16:56:15][C][homeassistant.time:011]:   Timezone: 'AEDT-11'
[16:56:15][C][captive_portal:148]: Captive Portal:
[16:56:15][C][ota:029]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[16:56:15][C][ota:030]:   Address: esp4-bdrmlights.local:8266
[16:56:15][C][ota:032]:   Using Password.
[16:56:15][C][api:135]: API Server:
[16:56:15][C][api:136]:   Address: esp4-bdrmlights.local:6053
[16:56:15][C][api:140]:   Using noise encryption: NO
[16:56:15][C][mqtt:061]: MQTT:
[16:56:15][C][mqtt:063]:   Server Address: [redacted]
[16:56:15][C][mqtt:064]:   Username: [redacted]
[16:56:15][C][mqtt:065]:   Client ID: [redacted]
[16:56:15][C][mqtt:070]:   Topic Prefix: 'esp4-bdrmlights'
[16:56:15][C][mqtt:072]:   Log Topic: 'esp4-bdrmlights/debug'
[16:56:15][C][mqtt:075]:   Availability: 'esp4-bdrmlights/status'
[16:56:15][C][mqtt.light:074]: MQTT Light 'FastLED WS2812B Light':
[16:56:15][C][mqtt.light:075]:   State Topic: 'esp4-bdrmlights/light/fastled_ws2812b_light/state'
[16:56:15][C][mqtt.light:075]:   Command Topic: 'esp4-bdrmlights/light/fastled_ws2812b_light/command'
[16:56:15][C][mqtt.binary_sensor:018]: MQTT Binary Sensor 'Bdrm PIR Sensor':
[16:56:15][C][mqtt.binary_sensor:019]:   State Topic: 'esp4-bdrmlights/binary_sensor/bdrm_pir_sensor/state'
[16:56:15][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Bdrm PIR Sensor': Sending state OFF
[16:56:15][D][light:035]: 'FastLED WS2812B Light' Setting:
[16:56:15][D][light:084]:   Transition length: 7.5s
[16:56:15][D][main:094]: LED lights are OFF

So above looks good, and no issues.

If I add the following to my code, the problems begin…

# Bedroom Inside temperature sensor
  - platform: dallas
    id: bdrm_temp_in
    resolution: 12
    address: 0xED1D08B90164FF28
    name: "Bedroom Inside Temperature"

Here’s the log I see after adding the code above… NOTE: the PIR triggers of the motion sensor are not triggered by the sensor itself?

[17:03:55][I][app:102]: ESPHome version 2021.9.3 compiled on Oct 10 2021, 17:03:22
[17:03:55][C][status_led:019]: Status LED:
[17:03:55][C][status_led:020]:   Pin: GPIO2 (Mode: OUTPUT)
[17:03:55][C][wifi:501]: WiFi:
[17:03:55][C][wifi:361]:   SSID: [redacted]
[17:03:55][C][wifi:362]:   IP Address: [redacted]
[17:03:55][C][wifi:364]:   BSSID: [redacted]
[17:03:55][C][wifi:365]:   Hostname: 'esp4-bdrmlights'
[17:03:55][C][wifi:369]:   Signal strength: -46 dB ▂▄▆█
[17:03:55][C][wifi:373]:   Channel: 11
[17:03:55][C][wifi:374]:   Subnet:
[17:03:55][C][wifi:375]:   Gateway: [redacted]
[17:03:55][C][wifi:376]:   DNS1: [redacted]
[17:03:55][C][wifi:377]:   DNS2: (IP unset)
[17:03:55][C][gpio.binary_sensor:015]: GPIO Binary Sensor 'Bdrm PIR Sensor'
[17:03:55][C][gpio.binary_sensor:015]:   Device Class: 'motion'
[17:03:55][C][gpio.binary_sensor:016]:   Pin: GPIO4 (Mode: INPUT)
[17:03:55][C][fastled:019]: FastLED light:
[17:03:55][C][fastled:020]:   Num LEDs: 54
[17:03:55][C][fastled:021]:   Max refresh rate: 400
[17:03:55][C][logger:193]: Logger:
[17:03:55][C][logger:194]:   Level: DEBUG
[17:03:55][C][logger:195]:   Log Baud Rate: 115200
[17:03:55][C][logger:196]:   Hardware UART: UART0
[17:03:55][C][light:097]: Light 'FastLED WS2812B Light'
[17:03:55][C][light:099]:   Default Transition Length: 7.5s
[17:03:55][C][light:100]:   Gamma Correct: 2.80
[17:03:55][C][dallas.sensor:072]: DallasComponent:
[17:03:55][C][dallas.sensor:073]:   Pin: GPIO12 (Mode: OUTPUT)
[17:03:55][C][dallas.sensor:074]:   Update Interval: 30.0s
[17:03:55][D][dallas.sensor:079]:   Found sensors:
[17:03:55][D][dallas.sensor:082]:     0xED1D08B90164FF28
[17:03:55][C][dallas.sensor:087]:   Device 'Bedroom Inside Temperature'
[17:03:55][C][dallas.sensor:087]:     Device Class: 'temperature'
[17:03:55][C][dallas.sensor:087]:     State Class: 'measurement'
[17:03:55][C][dallas.sensor:087]:     Unit of Measurement: '°C'
[17:03:55][C][dallas.sensor:087]:     Accuracy Decimals: 1
[17:03:55][C][dallas.sensor:095]:     Address: 0xED1D08B90164FF28
[17:03:55][C][dallas.sensor:096]:     Resolution: 12
[17:03:55][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Bdrm PIR Sensor': Sending state ON
[17:03:55][C][homeassistant.time:010]: Home Assistant Time:
[17:03:55][C][homeassistant.time:011]:   Timezone: 'AEDT-11'
[17:03:55][C][captive_portal:148]: Captive Portal:
[17:03:55][C][ota:029]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[17:03:55][C][ota:030]:   Address: esp4-bdrmlights.local:8266
[17:03:55][C][ota:032]:   Using Password.
[17:03:55][C][api:135]: API Server:
[17:03:55][C][api:136]:   Address: esp4-bdrmlights.local:6053
[17:03:55][C][api:140]:   Using noise encryption: NO
[17:03:55][C][mqtt:061]: MQTT:
[17:03:55][C][mqtt:063]:   Server Address: [redacted]
[17:03:55][C][mqtt:064]:   Username: [redacted]
[17:03:55][C][mqtt:065]:   Client ID: [redacted]
[17:03:55][C][mqtt:070]:   Topic Prefix: 'esp4-bdrmlights'
[17:03:55][C][mqtt:072]:   Log Topic: 'esp4-bdrmlights/debug'
[17:03:55][C][mqtt:075]:   Availability: 'esp4-bdrmlights/status'
[17:03:55][C][mqtt.sensor:024]: MQTT Sensor 'Bedroom Inside Temperature':
[17:03:55][C][mqtt.sensor:028]:   State Topic: 'esp4-bdrmlights/sensor/bedroom_inside_temperature/state'
[17:03:55][C][mqtt.light:074]: MQTT Light 'FastLED WS2812B Light':
[17:03:55][C][mqtt.light:075]:   State Topic: 'esp4-bdrmlights/light/fastled_ws2812b_light/state'
[17:03:55][C][mqtt.light:075]:   Command Topic: 'esp4-bdrmlights/light/fastled_ws2812b_light/command'
[17:03:55][C][mqtt.binary_sensor:018]: MQTT Binary Sensor 'Bdrm PIR Sensor':
[17:03:55][C][mqtt.binary_sensor:019]:   State Topic: 'esp4-bdrmlights/binary_sensor/bdrm_pir_sensor/state'
[17:03:56][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Bdrm PIR Sensor': Sending state OFF
[17:03:56][D][light:035]: 'FastLED WS2812B Light' Setting:
[17:03:56][D][light:084]:   Transition length: 7.5s
[17:03:56][D][main:094]: LED lights are OFF
[17:04:10][D][dallas.sensor:153]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Got Temperature=23.9°C
[17:04:10][D][sensor:121]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Sending state 23.93750 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[17:04:40][D][dallas.sensor:153]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Got Temperature=23.9°C
[17:04:40][D][sensor:121]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Sending state 23.93750 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[17:04:40][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Bdrm PIR Sensor': Sending state ON
[17:04:41][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Bdrm PIR Sensor': Sending state OFF
[17:04:41][D][light:035]: 'FastLED WS2812B Light' Setting:
[17:04:41][D][light:084]:   Transition length: 7.5s
[17:04:41][D][main:094]: LED lights are OFF
[17:05:10][D][dallas.sensor:153]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Got Temperature=23.9°C
[17:05:10][D][sensor:121]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Sending state 23.93750 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[17:05:40][D][dallas.sensor:153]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Got Temperature=23.9°C
[17:05:40][D][sensor:121]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Sending state 23.93750 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[17:06:10][D][dallas.sensor:153]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Got Temperature=23.9°C
[17:06:10][D][sensor:121]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Sending state 23.93750 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[17:06:32][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Bdrm PIR Sensor': Sending state ON
[17:06:34][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Bdrm PIR Sensor': Sending state OFF
[17:06:34][D][light:035]: 'FastLED WS2812B Light' Setting:
[17:06:34][D][light:084]:   Transition length: 7.5s
[17:06:34][D][main:094]: LED lights are OFF
[17:06:40][D][dallas.sensor:153]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Got Temperature=24.0°C
[17:06:40][D][sensor:121]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Sending state 24.00000 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[17:06:40][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Bdrm PIR Sensor': Sending state ON
[17:06:41][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Bdrm PIR Sensor': Sending state OFF
[17:06:41][D][light:035]: 'FastLED WS2812B Light' Setting:
[17:06:41][D][light:084]:   Transition length: 7.5s
[17:06:41][D][main:094]: LED lights are OFF
[17:07:10][D][dallas.sensor:153]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Got Temperature=24.0°C
[17:07:10][D][sensor:121]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Sending state 24.00000 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[17:07:40][D][dallas.sensor:153]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Got Temperature=24.0°C
[17:07:40][D][sensor:121]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Sending state 24.00000 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[17:08:10][D][dallas.sensor:153]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Got Temperature=24.0°C
[17:08:10][D][sensor:121]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Sending state 24.00000 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[17:08:10][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Bdrm PIR Sensor': Sending state ON
[17:08:11][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Bdrm PIR Sensor': Sending state OFF
[17:08:11][D][light:035]: 'FastLED WS2812B Light' Setting:
[17:08:11][D][light:084]:   Transition length: 7.5s
[17:08:11][D][main:094]: LED lights are OFF
[17:08:40][D][dallas.sensor:153]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Got Temperature=23.9°C
[17:08:40][D][sensor:121]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Sending state 23.93750 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[17:08:42][I][ota:046]: Boot seems successful, resetting boot loop counter.
[17:08:42][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Bdrm PIR Sensor': Sending state ON
[17:08:43][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Bdrm PIR Sensor': Sending state OFF
[17:08:43][D][light:035]: 'FastLED WS2812B Light' Setting:
[17:08:43][D][light:084]:   Transition length: 7.5s
[17:08:43][D][main:094]: LED lights are OFF

If I remove the dallas sensor code above the PIR trigger issue goes away? Very strange… I have never seen anything like this before?

Here’s some more from the logs… notice the pattern. None of the PIR triggers were triggered by movement.

[17:17:23][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Bdrm PIR Sensor': Sending state OFF
[17:17:23][D][light:035]: 'FastLED WS2812B Light' Setting:
[17:17:23][D][light:084]:   Transition length: 7.5s
[17:17:23][D][main:094]: LED lights are OFF
[17:17:40][D][dallas.sensor:153]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Got Temperature=23.9°C
[17:17:40][D][sensor:121]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Sending state 23.93750 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[17:17:40][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Bdrm PIR Sensor': Sending state ON
[17:17:41][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Bdrm PIR Sensor': Sending state OFF
[17:17:41][D][light:035]: 'FastLED WS2812B Light' Setting:
[17:17:41][D][light:084]:   Transition length: 7.5s
[17:17:41][D][main:094]: LED lights are OFF
[17:18:10][D][dallas.sensor:153]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Got Temperature=24.0°C
[17:18:10][D][sensor:121]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Sending state 24.00000 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[17:18:40][D][dallas.sensor:153]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Got Temperature=24.0°C
[17:18:40][D][sensor:121]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Sending state 24.00000 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[17:18:40][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Bdrm PIR Sensor': Sending state ON
[17:18:41][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Bdrm PIR Sensor': Sending state OFF
[17:18:41][D][light:035]: 'FastLED WS2812B Light' Setting:
[17:18:41][D][light:084]:   Transition length: 7.5s
[17:18:41][D][main:094]: LED lights are OFF
[17:19:10][D][dallas.sensor:153]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Got Temperature=23.9°C
[17:19:10][D][sensor:121]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Sending state 23.93750 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[17:19:40][D][dallas.sensor:153]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Got Temperature=24.0°C
[17:19:40][D][sensor:121]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Sending state 24.00000 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[17:19:40][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Bdrm PIR Sensor': Sending state ON
[17:19:41][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Bdrm PIR Sensor': Sending state OFF
[17:19:41][D][light:035]: 'FastLED WS2812B Light' Setting:
[17:19:41][D][light:084]:   Transition length: 7.5s
[17:19:41][D][main:094]: LED lights are OFF
[17:20:10][D][dallas.sensor:153]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Got Temperature=23.9°C
[17:20:10][D][sensor:121]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Sending state 23.93750 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[17:20:40][D][dallas.sensor:153]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Got Temperature=23.9°C
[17:20:40][D][sensor:121]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Sending state 23.93750 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[17:21:10][D][dallas.sensor:153]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Got Temperature=23.9°C
[17:21:10][D][sensor:121]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Sending state 23.93750 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[17:21:40][D][dallas.sensor:153]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Got Temperature=23.9°C
[17:21:40][D][sensor:121]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Sending state 23.93750 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[17:21:40][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Bdrm PIR Sensor': Sending state ON
[17:21:41][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Bdrm PIR Sensor': Sending state OFF
[17:21:41][D][light:035]: 'FastLED WS2812B Light' Setting:
[17:21:41][D][light:084]:   Transition length: 7.5s
[17:21:41][D][main:094]: LED lights are OFF
[17:22:10][D][dallas.sensor:153]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Got Temperature=23.9°C
[17:22:10][D][sensor:121]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Sending state 23.93750 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[17:22:10][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Bdrm PIR Sensor': Sending state ON
[17:22:11][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Bdrm PIR Sensor': Sending state OFF
[17:22:11][D][light:035]: 'FastLED WS2812B Light' Setting:
[17:22:11][D][light:084]:   Transition length: 7.5s
[17:22:11][D][main:094]: LED lights are OFF
[17:22:40][D][dallas.sensor:153]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Got Temperature=24.0°C
[17:22:40][D][sensor:121]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Sending state 24.00000 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[17:23:10][D][dallas.sensor:153]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Got Temperature=23.9°C
[17:23:10][D][sensor:121]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Sending state 23.93750 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[17:23:10][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Bdrm PIR Sensor': Sending state ON
[17:23:11][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Bdrm PIR Sensor': Sending state OFF
[17:23:11][D][light:035]: 'FastLED WS2812B Light' Setting:
[17:23:11][D][light:084]:   Transition length: 7.5s
[17:23:11][D][main:094]: LED lights are OFF
[17:23:40][D][dallas.sensor:153]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Got Temperature=23.9°C
[17:23:40][D][sensor:121]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Sending state 23.93750 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[17:23:40][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Bdrm PIR Sensor': Sending state ON
[17:23:41][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Bdrm PIR Sensor': Sending state OFF
[17:23:41][D][light:035]: 'FastLED WS2812B Light' Setting:
[17:23:41][D][light:084]:   Transition length: 7.5s
[17:23:41][D][main:094]: LED lights are OFF
[17:24:10][D][dallas.sensor:153]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Got Temperature=24.0°C
[17:24:10][D][sensor:121]: 'Bedroom Inside Temperature': Sending state 24.00000 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy

And if I remove the code for the dallas… I get…

[16:56:15][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Bdrm PIR Sensor': Sending state OFF
[16:56:15][D][light:035]: 'FastLED WS2812B Light' Setting:
[16:56:15][D][light:084]:   Transition length: 7.5s
[16:56:15][D][main:094]: LED lights are OFF


I don’t find anything wrong with the configuration now.
So I agree that’s a strange error.

So maybe something electrical

Do you get the same error if you physically disconnect the Dallas sensor but still configured.

It could also be a bug.
You could try to change the motion sensor to another pin and see that helps.

Sorry that I don’t have any better suggestions.
