When I see this icon, I understand that an update is available.
So, I clean the build files, recompile then upload to the device. Yet the Update Available icon remains.
Did I do something wrong?
When I see this icon, I understand that an update is available.
So, I clean the build files, recompile then upload to the device. Yet the Update Available icon remains.
Did I do something wrong?
I just updated one of my Wemos temp sensors by clicking the install button. After it was completed I went out of the ESPhome tab and then went back in and the update icon was gone for that sensor.
You have two options: select update all in the top bar on the right with 3 dots (this is unnecessary if everything works fine) or press Install on each tab and refresh the page when done.
Refreshing the page is the secret.
Darn. I forgot step 2.
I just found out that there is no need to break down the whole process to make it a solution. I could only write: when finished, refresh the page as above.