Update on Tuya Devices (tuya-convert)

No, I don’t need the power monitoring functionality I’d be happy to flash my SP27s!
Mine aren’t bricked as they wouldn’t even announce themselves to tuya-convert.

I got some help on GitHub but it never became clear why they wouldn’t connect and start the flash process.

Sadly I think I’m going to have to return them.

If it helps, when I accidentally bought the wrong ones, they wouldn’t announce themselves either nor was I able to flash them. So it isn’t you. It’s the plugs.

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Yes I sent mine back and got the square ones (SP23 I think) and they worked fine.

Upside, I got the power monitoring, downside the irritating way they interfere very slightly with my UK socket switches.

Yes, do you mean the square shape coming into contact with the physical switch? It’s a little annoying, isn’t it.

The original ones I bought fouled the switch too. The newer ones have been redesigned to miss it.

I just picked up some of these bulbs, they flash using the tuya-convert OTA flash. I got 3, and am ordering a few more. https://www.amazon.com/Euri-Lighting-Compatible-Assistant-Required/dp/B07N8R4M3M/ref=sr_1_26?keywords=euri+lighting&qid=1577825353&s=hi&sr=1-26

Does anyone know if these will work with tuya convert?

I purchased a Merkury rgb bulb from Walmart and was unable to flash it. I opened it up and it didn’t look like the ones on this forum so looking for a couple bulbs i can successfully flash.

I too am looking at buying some LVWIT bulbs but from Amazon UK, I would also be very interested to know if anyone has successfully flashed them and how bright the colours are

what model number does it say on the side of the light? mine flashed okay. would be interesting to see if they updated it?

Here are a couple pictures of the unit I was unable to Tuya-Covnvert.

I attempted this with a rp4. I may try again with a 3b+ and see if it works.

So I managed to get this bulb flashed using an rpi3b instead of a 4 and it was relatively seamless.
Now I need to figure out how to get the unit to turn on via mqtt.

I am struggling to get the RGB lights working with the Merkury bulb. I have tried the all of the merkury templates here Tasmota Bulbs. The white portion works but when I attempt the rgb sliders in the tasmota web gui all i get is a different shade of white or no changes at all. Anyone know where to begin sorting this out?

There are many guides to help you with this…
A good one is https://youtu.be/eDoIkd58HRM
Simple approach is to set the unit as generic and try out each GPIOs (the SAFE ones!!) as PWM. It’s a good learning experience and you will gain valuable insight into how Tasmota is configured.
There are some SetOptions you must use to avoid any bootloops and brick your device, please see the Tasmota wiki on Github.

As the tuya-convert screen says…”Have FUN”

Thanks for the tip, I will look into it.