Update tradfri lights through Hue bridge

Hello! I am currently running a home riddled with Hue lights, and also some Ikea tradfri. All these lights are connected through a standard Hue bridge.

At the moment, everything works just fine, except for two tradfri spotlights that I recently bought. For some reason these are mostly unresponsive through the hue app but when i powercycle them, they act fine… for some time.

Thus, I’ve come to believe that these problematic light sources might need a firmware update… and voila, after some googling I found HA to be quite interesting. However, before i start to set up a HA server, I wanted to know if it is actually possible to update trådfri-firmware through Hue Bridge with HA.

Hope that my question makes sense.

I’m a complete newbie, so please be kind :slight_smile:

It’s a recent thing, but due to Hues updates tending to break users systems, hue updates have been suspended. Other mfgrs zigbee id being pushed to HA systems as mfgrs sign up to the program.