I just upgrades to version 7 and although I start it and it goes green when I back out and come back in it turns off on its own. If I start it and don’t leave the page when I try to open the share folders it won’t let me. It was working.
I just upgraded myself. The default configuration needs a little work. My samba config looks like this:
"workgroup": "WORKGROUP",
"username": "hassio",
"password": "my_old_api_password",
"interface": "",
"allow_hosts": [
Also, I had to reboot my connecting client (my laptop) and when samba connecting, use the login/password you configured above and click on “save forever”.
Just updated and my backup folder is now mapping to the /share instead of /backup?
Here also, and when I drop back a level I get a select few folders available (addons, backup, config, share and ssl)
Version 8 is out and it seems to have fixed it
Still showing 7 on my end. Hopefully it will show up soon.
There’s no reason there would be a delay. Go into addons and refresh and update. This isn’t like hassio -it’s there now.
Did that and even rebooted but it doesn’t tell me there is an update.
Go into the add-on store and click on refresh in top right corner. Then open the add-on from there and update.
Well heck, never saw the refresh button, I guess this is one of the down falls of a wide monitor. I just update lets see if it fixes my issue.
Unfortunately, it didn’t fix my problem. everytime I navigate from the add-on page it shuts off.
Did you log an issue?
I also have same problem due to Samba share update from 6 to 8. It really shortened my config file, I am running hassio 0.79.3. It removed below section from config:
“name”: “hassioprod”,
“guest”: true,
“map”: {
“config”: true,
“addons”: true,
“ssl”: false,
“share”: true,
“backup”: true
Anyone found any solution?
I reset my samba config to defaults and it seems that that old options are no longer used. Saving and restarting and it all works as before. The docs now also don’t include those options.
just like @mchauhan - my config got shortened and I can no longer change my samba hostname… it defaults to “hassio” which is a big bummer for me… any workarounds?
I tried that but it is complaining about my development Pi server, looks workgroup has conflict with other Pi host. Updating hassio to 0.81.6 and will do a reboot of Pi server and on my laptop to see if that fixes issue. Thx.
mine is defaulting to debian which is the server name of my NUC.
You could try just using the IP address.
Just did. For now, I have my Ubuntu system handling the Samba share.
ok, right now I’ve found a way - hass.io/System and “change hostname” button. changed back to my custom one, clicked on “reboot” and almost all is back on track.
almost, because now I can’t use “guest” account to get to files without passwords, a little pain in the …, but at least I can get to my files and see my name as host
I am able to access it now but unfortunately it changed the hostname to NULL, do you know how and where can I change it back? I am running Hassio 0.81.6 now in my prod environment. Thx.