I update home assistant using “pip3 install --upgrade homeassistant” and the current version reported by “hass --version” is the latest (0.42.4). BUT the updater module says I have an update for 0.40.2 (or 0.42.4 last time it popped up). In the “/dev-info” route the version under the logo is still 0.39.3 from my first installation. How can I be sure that there is no problem with the version? For example android-webcam module does not work even though it is supposed to after 0.40 or something like that. Does anyone know how can I troubleshoot those two issues and get to the bottom of this? By two issues i mean the updater module and the /dev-info page…
Which OS are you running?
I assume that you don’t activated the virtualenv before starting the update.
Thank you very much for answering so quickly. I have installed Hassbian that comes with homeassistant. Followed the procedure and after plugging in the LAN cable and power homeassistant was installed. After that I updated on my own and at some point I noticed the wrong version in the info page and after a while the updater kept insisting that there is a new version… I am not sure what the virtualenv is but I think that it is not activated. I did not activate it manually. Should I downgrade, and then activate the virtualenv and then update to latest again? And how can i activate it?
Thank you so much I can’t believe it that I am such an idiot!! I’m the one that always say RTFM to others and this happened to me! Haha… I guess I must have read someplace else that the only thing I had to do was pip3 install --upgrade homeassistant… Thanks again!