Updating Home Assistant inside Docker

Congratulation Paulus - the first item on my wish-list, is an easy way to upgrade HA in Docker - maintaining settings, logs and configs.

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If you don’t get this now, you don’t have something setup correctly… you map a directory from your local file system to the container for the config. That directory survives whatever you do to docker… so upgradeing is:

docker stop home-assistant
docker rm home-assistant
docker pull homeassistant/home-assistant
docker run -d --network=host --name home-assistant -v /path/to/local/config:/config  homeassistant/home-assistant

In other words, you just stop the current container, delete it, pull the new container from the docker hub, then run the container again. The config directory is not in the container, so it remains untouched.

Note: I do this almost weekly - basically every time a new version of HA is released.

How are you doing it now?


Hey Steve, that actually did work (after a while). Thank you so much for assisting.
However, I still maintain my wish :slight_smile:
It turned out to be slightly more complicated as the name I use for my container is different from yours, and as I’m not a Linux guru (I hate command lines), I managed to misspell the path 4 times before I finally got it right (upper case and all). I’m sure you see my point. To me - user friendly - really means user friendly.
i.e. I have Logitech Media Server (LMS) also running in Docker. Every now and then it’s web GUI tells me a new version is available (just like HA does). Then all I have to do, is to restart the container. How that works, why it works, and what goes on the background during that restart ? I couldn’t care less! It works.
That’s what I mean by User Friendly :wink:
Have a great day and thanks again for your help.

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Then you should be looking at Hass.io install of Home Assistant, it’s all based in docker, but you never interact with docker - you do everything through the GUI. Update time? Push a button. Want to install Let’s Encrypt, press a button. etc.

However, I should point out that docker and command line go hand-in-hand. It’s meant to be used from the command line. So, you kinda asked for it :slight_smile:

You lost me there… I’m unaware of this you refere to as “Hass.io install”.
What is it? Where is it?

Right on the Home Assistant website (in getting started)

Oh, and there is a whole forum right here dedicated to to it…

OK, I guess I misunderstood you. I thought you said there was an update button in the GUI. Anyway, thanks for helping. I’m moving forward and into HA - one step at at time. :+1:

There is. In hassio.

There is if you use Hass.io. Did you go to that web page? They show you a pic of what the update button looks like right there:

Again, to get this functionality you need to install per the page I linked

Now, I begin to feel really stupid :no_mouth:
I read through the Getting Started section. It has the following chapters:
I couldn’t find a picture like the one you showed me, anywhere in there.

Secondly, I run HA (0.67.0) in Container Station on a QNAP, and my headline doesn’t say “Hass.io” anywhere. It says “Home”
So, I guess this thing you refer to as “Hass.io” must be some kind of a plug-in that I haven’t found yet, nor do I know what it is or what what additional features or functions it brings that I don’t have (except for an “UPDATE” button)…

I really wish I could understand why this is so difficult but it’s hard for me to imagine.

The goal of this getting started guide is to install Hass.io on a Raspberry Pi 3. Hass.io is our own all in one solution that turns your Raspberry Pi into the ultimate home automation hub.

It’s literally the first paragraph.

In this case you can’t run hassio.

No. As explained in literally the first paragraph of the getting started page, it’s the entire operating system (not a plugin) and it includes an installation of home assistant with all the special tools to make it easier to manage for people that don’t understand the layouts or technologies.

I’m pretty confused on why it would take this long in the conversation to have to explain it.

Docker is easy, if you’re uncomfortable with using a command line or you, for some reason, refuse to learn or understand your system, then running home assistant in docker on your own is probably not the best idea. Hassio was designed for people like you.

I’m going to go as far to say that if you can’t stand managing the updating part, then you are not going to enjoy setting up your home assistant. It’s not REALLY ready for Joe User yet. There is still a lot of rough edges that require you to get a little dirty from time to time.

Are you sure home assistant is right for you?

Dude, all you had to do was click the link in my post. Takes you right to the Hass.io page that explains it all.

But as @flamingm0e pointed out, since you’re running in Container Station on a QNAP, Hass.io won’t work for you.

Well, I said that in my very first post - So I guess even suggesting Hass.io to me, was a mistake?

No you didn’t

Docker ? Container Station ? Is there a difference?


Container station is a QNAP only thing. Docker will run on Linux, Mac, or Windows. There is a HUGE difference in wording.

When you say that you run it on Docker, you could literally be using any of the main OSes or a NAS (which runs a form of Linux/BSD 99% of the time).

Container station is something that is only applicable to QNAP.

This. Explains. Everything.

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better use watchtower docker to update all your docker images automatically and has multiple notifications options

I use watchtower for my other docker containers, but I stopped doing it with HA because it would update as soon as the x.0 release came out and there would frequently be some issue that would be resolved a few days later with the x.1 release

Otherwise, I agree - watchtower is great.