Upgrade Advanced SSH & Web Terminal

Ther’s a new version of Advanced SSH & Web Terminal. I want to upgrade, but the there are some. dependency

Can anyone tell me how to do a correct upgrade of

  • :arrow_up: Update yamllint to v1.32.0 @renovate (#570)


  • :arrow_up: Update home-assistant/cli to v4.26.0 @renovate (#571)

Addons run in a docker container and all dependencies are included.
The list you see is the changes that come with the update, so yamllint and home-assistant/cli is updated when you install the updated addon.

What you see here, under the title “What’s changed”, is the so called changelog. Changelogs are written by the developers to inform you, what has changed, if anything is to take care of before or after the update and if new features are added.

See here for a short wikipedia entry:

Thank you!