Upgrade from 24.0 to 25.3 breaks WeMo

**Edit: **

The problem is with requests-2.11.0

Downgrade with this to fix:

pip install requests==2.10.0

I just upgraded from 24.0 to 25.3 and now I’m getting Resubscribe errors:

16-08-12 17:44:49 pywemo.subscribe: Resubscribe error for <WeMo LightSwitch “Light 1”>, will retry in 60s

Is there any fix, or any way to downgrade?

After further use, the only way I was to get it stable again, especially with a WeMo motion sensor is to downgrade to these versions:

pip install requests==2.10.0
pip install pywemo==0.4.3
pip install homeassistant==0.24.1


Maybe of interest: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/2793