One of the downsides of using docker is that we can’t click a button to upgrade the app. I decided to fix this
I’m documenting this to make sure I don’t forget how I did it, but hopefully it will help others.
The way this works is pretty simple (but I’m not a linux expert, and I’m fairly sure this isn’t a secure way of doing this, so I’m looking forward to suggestions!)
Step 1:
Create a named pipe file that can be edited inside the container. Go to the home assistant config folder on your docker host and create the following file:
mkfifo cmdpipe
Step 2:
Create a shell script to update your home assistance instance. I use docker-compose so mine is different but… create whatever script you need to to update home assistant. Mine looks like this and is called
cd /mnt/docker/Compose/host
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
Remember to chmod +x
Step 3:
Create a script to monitor the pipe file. I know this is super bad practice to pipe this straight into sh… especially since it runs as root, but I don’t know a better way - so if anyone has any better ideas I want to know!
Create the following file /etc/init.d/
and put the following:
tail -f /docker/homeassistant/cmdpipe | sh
remember to chmod +x
Step 4:
Get the script to startup with ubuntu
Edit your crontab sudo crontab -e
, and add the following:
@reboot /etc/init.d/ > /var/log/startupscript.log 2>&1
Step 5:
Now we need to modify your configuration in home assistant. Add a shell command to echo the update command into the file pipe we created. This is what mine looks like
update_ha: "echo '/docker/homeassistant/' > cmdpipe"
Then restart home assistant. You can now call this shell command, and your docker image should be updated from within home assistant!
Optional Step 6:
I also added a button that appears on my love lace ui when there is an update available:-
entity: sensor.hass_update_available
action: more-info
icon: 'mdi:alert-decagram'
icon_height: 50px
name: Update Home Assistant
show_icon: true
show_name: true
action: call-service
service: shell_command.update_ha
type: button
- entity: binary_sensor.updater
state: 'on'
type: conditional
I then use this integration:
This then gives me a nice button like this that I can click to update home assistant when I’m ready: