I upgraded to 0.90.0 and now zigbee won’t shut off lights. If I hit the button it will turn on, but it doesn’t reflect in the GUI. I also then can’t turn them off. Dimming works no problem, but I can’t dim them to off.
I can explicitly turn it off from the commands thing.
im having problems with Aurora FWBulb02UK (hive) bulbs to
I’m having exact same problem. Back to 89.2 and zigbee works again. Didn’t see any breaking changes concerning zha. Hope this gets resolved, I was really liking the cloud remote connection.
IKR, back to 0.89.1 for me and it works great with no issues.
Suggest you log an issue on the GitHub page
Looks like it has been fixed on 0.90.1 https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/22237
using the zha folder from 0.90.1 as a custom component in 0.90.0 gets my lights working properly again