Upgraded to .74.2 and now getting auth errors in the logs

Last night I went ahead and upgraded my HA running in a VENV to what I thought would be 74.1 but noticed this morning that its 74.2. I figure that’s “OK”, but wondered why that happned.

Just did the normal upgrade

pip3 install --upgrade homeassistant

I’m also noticing errors in the log

Please change to use bearer token access /api/services/device_tracker/see
8:26 AM components/http/auth.py (WARNING)


Please change to use bearer token access /api/ios/identify
8:26 AM components/http/auth.py (WARNING)

I am using the new auth, so I assume that’s the cause, but unsure what to do about it

That is warning, not error.

Ok, thanks. I’m not sure what to do about the Warning.

Does anyone have any thoughts, or is this just something new while the new auth is being cleaned up

Are you have any other abnormal function?

You can ignore those warning message, or you can post it in https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/15376, I am collecting all the usage of old api password, to make sure we will change all of them before we shut down api_password support.

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Only issue I seem to be having is I often see a failed logon attempt in iOS which I dismiss, then life is good

What setting will make logger ignore the warning messages? I tried with
default: error
but no luck :frowning:

A Chang has been made in next release, we will only output that warning once.

Great! Thank you for the quick reply

I am in version 77.3 and I have the warning related to bearer token to access /api/config and api/states.
Even though this is only a warning, what one has to do to get rid of it?

Answer appreciated. Thanks

You didn’t get invalid login notification?

We had changed log level to INFO if it would not cause issue. We will use WARN level if it will cause “invalid login” notification.

Initially I got invalid notification (I have several systems, with different logins). But after I put the right parameters to login, with successfull login, I should not have this warning when restarting HA. Shouldn’t I?

If you saved your login in your browser, you won’t be asked for login after HA restart. However I bet you will still get an invalid login notification, because it caused by that warning, something was accessing your api/config and api/states endpoints without authentication or using the api_password authentication but you didn’t enabled it.

Ok. Thanks.

Could it be related to the fact that I am streaming the Pi Camera on this device on port 8160? Should I need to indicate login parameters in the camera url? (Not sure whether it make sense but,…)