Last night I went ahead and upgraded my HA running in a VENV to what I thought would be 74.1 but noticed this morning that its 74.2. I figure that’s “OK”, but wondered why that happned.
Just did the normal upgrade
pip3 install --upgrade homeassistant
I’m also noticing errors in the log
Please change to use bearer token access /api/services/device_tracker/see
8:26 AM components/http/ (WARNING)
Please change to use bearer token access /api/ios/identify
8:26 AM components/http/ (WARNING)
I am using the new auth, so I assume that’s the cause, but unsure what to do about it
You can ignore those warning message, or you can post it in, I am collecting all the usage of old api password, to make sure we will change all of them before we shut down api_password support.
I am in version 77.3 and I have the warning related to bearer token to access /api/config and api/states.
Even though this is only a warning, what one has to do to get rid of it?
Initially I got invalid notification (I have several systems, with different logins). But after I put the right parameters to login, with successfull login, I should not have this warning when restarting HA. Shouldn’t I?
If you saved your login in your browser, you won’t be asked for login after HA restart. However I bet you will still get an invalid login notification, because it caused by that warning, something was accessing your api/config and api/states endpoints without authentication or using the api_password authentication but you didn’t enabled it.
Could it be related to the fact that I am streaming the Pi Camera on this device on port 8160? Should I need to indicate login parameters in the camera url? (Not sure whether it make sense but,…)