Today i upgraded my Home Assistant to 0.105.2 but after it rebooted i can’t access the webpage anymore
when i try to open it returns “Firefox can’t connect to the server on”
It does get it’s normal IP from the DHCP server.
And it stops at starting uedev-3.2.8 after ± 15 secs and won’t continue.
When googling i found that others had the same problem in a previous Home Assistant version and solved it by pulling the powercord on the Google Home mini and Chromecast devices.
I tried the same, unplugging my Google Home Mini and Chromecast, but no luck.
Luckely i have Home Assistant running in a vmware virtual machine on ESXI and make daily backups to my Synology using Active Backup so i was able to restore the backup from 3am this morning and everything works again.
I even see the starting uedev-3.2.8, but after 5 seconds it continues now to a normal startup.
But before i attempt again, are there others with the same problem? and were you able to fix it? and how?
same problem i have
i even uninstalled HA and then reinstalled it but it’s still the same
Upgraded from 0.104.2 to 0.105.2. Docker processes start successfully but web UI is not accessible. A clean start of hass in the container works, but with existing config the UI is inaccessible.
Is it a configuration problem? did you figure out what part in the config is the culprit ?
I don’t have a full answer but, yes it does seem config related. I disabled a bunch of stuff in two rounds; started with custom components, the moved to yaml config. On my last round I believe I disabled the tplink and wemo config directives, and after that the UI came back up so I’m inclined to believe the culprit might be one of those. I’ll have a better answer later when I get a chance to try and re-enable each one by one and see what breaks.
Hmm… i don’t have any tplink or wemo in my config…
Problem is here, i don’t have the luxury to test over and over again.
During the years i practically connected everything in the house to HA (yes i can control most manually with different apps in case of failure) but my wife will not be amused, she finally accepted that everything is automated and even likes it now.
But turning on/off z-wave switches that are build into the wall sockets is only possible with HA.
My problem was sometimes the UI comes back sometimes it doesn’t. Checking with systemctl, it shows HA is active and running, but the automations sometimes worked sometimes didn’t. Last night i updated my Linux libraries and then disabled the Garmin Connect integration. From then on, I haven’t had any problem with HA including its UI. I don’t know which fixed it for me too. Btw, I have wemos d1 mini working the while time.
Yeah, I can confirm for me it was the tplink directive in my yaml config. Perhaps we have different issues?
After a lot of trail and error I finally tried it from a different approach.
I made a full snapshot, downloaded the snapshot and did a fresh and clean install of HA (the latest version), booted the clean install and restored the snapshot excluding HA itself from the snapshot.
Everything works like a charm, no errors when booting and I’m able to update again (currently at 0.111.4)