It’s been awhile since I have touched my HA install as you can see and I want to upgrade to the latest. Any tips or should I just start fresh and bring over my zwave xml config file? I have a ton of devices, scripts, automations, etc in place currently. Any tips?
Running on a Rpi via PIP install and using a z-wave usb stick.
What I would do is just upgrade to the next version or two at a time figuring out what the breaking changes are and fixing those before moving to the next one(s).
trying to figure out EVERY problem over that many upgrades would be a daunting task if there are a lot of them that effect your set up.
Just did it from 0.43 to current. I only have lights/motion/TTS/weather/pollen/traffic forecast. It went fairly smooth. What I did was i installed latest on a separate machine and tar the whole .homeassistant from existing version over. Then run --script check_config to figure what’s changed lol
trigger: you cannot use “after” anymore. Use “at” (before and after for condition still work)
trigger: change state to “to”. For example if you used to have state: ‘true’ change it to to: "true"
If you have Philips Hue
Change configuration.yaml
platform: hue
host: 192.168.x.x
- host: 192.168.x.x
recorder: change purge_days to purge_keep_days
That was it for me. If you still keep receiving error, I suggest to copy back one automation at a time so you could easily nail down which file is incorrect.
Thanks for the replies everyone! I will grab one of my extra PIs and setup it up new and bring over my configs and all and test it that way then either move the USB stick over to the new one or copy back the new install to the old after I have checked the configs. I may even try out the installer this time then.