Upgrading to 2023.6.1 - mainly all Zigbee devices stopped working

Hi guys,
after upgrading to HA version 2023.6.1 90% of my Zigbee devices are not working properly.
I use the Sonoff USB coordinator V2.
Before upgrade all devices worked fine.
Now the Sonoff light switches, door sensors, etc. are not possible to reconfigure.
They are shown in the list of devices, but for example some of the lights (Sonoff switch) can be turned ON only in the software, but the hardware is not responding.
Or they are shown in dark grey as non available.

Sure that the problem is caused by the upgrade, because before that everything worked fine.

Any idea?

I also noticed some issues with ZHA (not sure if it matters, but I also have the sonoff coordinator). For me a number of devices became unresponsive from the UI. Usually I can turn them on, but no longer off, and some switches become unavailable.

Did you try reloading the ZHA integration? What is really odd is when a light becomes unresponsive, I can simply reload the integration and the light will work again for a few hours correctly. Is it the same with you, does it all work if you just reload the integration? If so, I think that clearly points to a SW issues.

I see a few errors in the logs related to ZHA

It has been doing it fine for 12h since I last reloaded the integration. If the problem persist, I will open an issue.

I had an issue myself and when I restored back to a previous version everything was fine.

My issue was with the MQTT component as I use Zigbee2MQTT with Mosquitto Broker. The issue was with Mosquitto Broker itself not being able to configure properly. I also had a number of other integrations that were showing up as not loaded.

Hello guys,
so I tried to restore to the previous HA version, but this did not help.
After that I again updated to 2023.6.1 and some of the devices went online.
I unplugged the USB coordinator and plugged again, nothing.
Restarted the Virtual machine on which my HA instance is running, nothing.
Went to sleep and in the morning more or less all the devices were working as before.

So I assume HA is living life on it´s own sometimes and it takes a long while since it fixes itself.
Strange, but this happened to me…

Same issue here. Since the update, most of the ZHA entities are not available anymore. Trying to get them back with not luck :frowning:

For me, no problems, using many Aqara and some others with 10.2 and 2023.6.1.
(HAOS on Generic x86-64 4 Core, 16 GB Mem , 512 GB HD) Sonoff Zigbee Dongle Plus

I’m also having this issue with the Conbee 2 stick ZHA integration.
I tried restoring a backup and starting over, but encountered the same problem.

My solution was to disable and then re-enable the integration and restart the system entirely.
Maybe this could be a solution for you as well.

Sorry for my English. It is not my language.

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Yes, Conbee has seem to have some issues.

Yep, on my side, is a Conbee 2. I’m gonna try disabling and reenabling the integration. thanks!

Unfortunately, restarting the integration didn’t fixed the issue on my side. I’ve created a github issue btw: ZHA stopped working after update to 2023.6.1 · Issue #94558 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

I had the same issue. I have 2 Conbee 2s, one on ZHA and one on Zigbee2MQTT.

I upgraded to 6.1 and errors appeared, so reverted to the 5.4 backup.

All the zigbee devices went offline. I had to reload ZHA, restart the Zigbee2MQTT addon, various other addons as well including ESPhome to get back to normal.

Also, lots of my automations stopped working. I had to disable and enable each one to wake them up. Please bring back the Diasble/Enable button. It’s too many mouse clicks to do it now.

I’m afraid to try to upgrade again.Waiting for a new release.

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