UPNP wont stop discovering everything; I can't disable it!

My HA is going nuts with upnp, and discovering everything and filling up my integrations page with entities that I keep ignoring. I am trying to disable it entirely, or certain integrations from being discovered; so that these ignored items do not re-appear at all.

    - <integration>

Adding this line into my configuration is erroring out, as I am using integrations not listed on the discovery: documentation.

  • samsung_tv
  • onhub
  • idg

These are all failing with this error:

Invalid config for [discovery]: value is not allowed @ data['discovery']['ignore'][0]. Got 'samsung_tv'. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 10).

In this instance, I am using samsung_tv; even though I found this in other forums back in 2019; it appears to have been deprecated; although I am still not sure how to actually ignore these.

So, if an integration is getting auto-discovered, and it is NOT listed on the discovery: documentation, then how can I disable it from getting seen and loaded in?

Discovery Documentation: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/discovery/

Do you have anything that you want discovered ? If not, disable discovery.

in 0.110.0 version and afterwards it can be ignored through integration interface
if you are in an earlier version you can use the following

    - igd

I don’t believe so; I don’t have anything explicity enabled.

I do use a google_wifi sensor; but that is explicitly defined in my config; and working elsewhere.

I am running 110.2 (update to 110.3 available); and still receive this error:

Invalid config for [discovery]: value is not allowed @ data['discovery']['ignore'][0]. Got 'idg'. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 10)

idg is also not listed on the Discovery docs, either, which might be why it’s failing.

If you have default_config: in your configuration.yaml, comment it out, and add everything manual from this page :

except SSDP and zeroconf

Is this standard practice? As I have NOT commented that line out.

No, it is not. But not having SSDP and zeroconf effectively disables discovery. But these are added by using default_config:

because you spelled igd wrong.

Fair enough; I will attempt to use this as the solution to my issues. Surprised there isn’t a better way to just disable discovery.

Appreciate the idea! :slight_smile:

That does the same thing:

Invalid config for [discovery]: value is not allowed @ data['discovery']['ignore'][0]. Got 'igd'. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 10).