Uptime Kuma - mqtt check up doesn`t work


trying to get my mqtt Server running in Kuma but it doesn`t work.

Is there any special need in the Settings?
mqtt Server
MQTT Thema

mqtt Thema is any Topic on my mqtt Server - right?
For my test right now “espresense”


I’m not much help, as I’m having issues as well. I have the following in setup, but getting “offline” trying to check the status of my zigbee2mqtt addon:

Any news here?
I’m also had this issue, from logs i can only see

2023-01-13T15:50:36+01:00 [MONITOR] WARN: Monitor #6 'WMBusMeters': Failing: Timeout | Interval: 60 seconds | Type: mqtt | Down Count: 0 | Resend Interval: 0

But definietly messages are appearing on broker.

You could just use the TCP port 1883 to see if the server is up. The MQTT monitor is only to monitor a specific topic for a certain message. Not what I think you want to accomplish.

From the “Monitor Type” select “TCP Port” and it should work.