Url scheme jump to page?

So you can open the iOS App via url scheme “homeassistant://”, but is there any way to use this to jump to a specific lovelace page? Like “homeassistant://lovelace/cctv” ?

I’ve tried multiple variations (with and without “lovelace” and with additional /), but no luck

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I’ve looked for this as well, but no success. This is the only page that seems to have info, but no mention of a simple “jump to lovelace view” linking scheme. :upside_down_face:

Hoping it’s implemented but not documented, as I’d really like to link some things to my cameras view.

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Hopefully its on a roadmap - really without getting prompted to open the application as well.

Does anybody know if this works now with the 2020.3 version?

If tried it but no luck … from the changelog it seems to be only for the URLs inside notifications and not as an URL handler


any update on this? it is been discused also here: https://github.com/home-assistant/iOS/issues/643 and implemented on the app notifications.

Looks like this is possible as of 2021.3 but I haven’t tried it! https://companion.home-assistant.io/docs/integrations/url-handler/#navigate

I’m not sure that’s quite what I was after. I’d like to be able to open an app or place a call from an actionable notification. It seems like it should be straightforward to include (but beyond my skills!).

Yes 2021.3 can now launch via a url scheme as described in that doc page.

You can launch to a particular page on your Home Assistant via a notification by using e.g. "/lovelace/dashboard-name-here" as your URL. This has been available since last summer.

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Yes, it does that. What I’m after is to open an alternate app from a notification.

When HA sends an actionable notification I want one of the options to be to open my Synology camera app, for example, or to place a call.

This can be done from other apps with iOS but not yet from the HA iOS app, as far as I’m aware.

You will need to look up if the destination supports a URL Scheme but phonecalls are tel:2125551212 for example.

Synology DS Cam should be synocam://

Thank you, Zacwest.

So this should work?

    - service: notify.ALL_DEVICES
        title: "Call"
        message: "Ash on mobile?"
          url: tel://12345678

Yes! Just put the URL as homeassistant://navigate/<path_here>
Example 1: homeassistant://navigate/lovelace/calendar
Example 2: homeassistant://navigate/config

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yeah this does not seem to work…