Hi Everyone,
I read lots of info in this forum. Firstly I am very appreciated for those.
I guess I have general problem with DGNWG05LM. I bought this product before I knew it was incompatible with most of products, and now I have a EU security kit and EU plug Roborock S5 Max in my house. I will write all the product codes below.
After I bought new Aqara wall switches and I tried connect them without Mi Home App as 3 seconds push, wait gateway response etc. Luckly Gateway says “Child device added” with this system. Although it appears on the device page in gateway, I couldn’t see in main page
As far as I read, I have to switch to China server. I can try every method to swap server.
So here is my questions?
- Can I change my DGNWG05LM server to china?
- If I can buy new DGNWG02LM, can I move my Roborock and my old EU sensors to China server?
- If I can buy new DGNWG02LM, can I use it with DGNWG05LM together?
Mi Gateway : DGNWG05LM
Mi Security Kit Global Version: MT01186
Roborock S5 Max EU Plug
I am waiting your masters replies. Thanks and take care