Use boolean variable to trigger update

Is there a way to use a boolean variable turning on to trigger a core update that is available? And a way to do the same with an operating system update? Basically so I can use a dashboard to apply updates without administrative privileges conditional upon another boolean variable to allow it.

As stated In the documentation: Home Assistant Supervisor - Home Assistant

It only has a service to update add-ons. Not the supervisor itself or HA for that matter.

Oh. So could I like find the link for update and them basically make home assistant trigger it like a webook?

I suspect that you can probably run “core update” though in the SSH and Terminal Addon, using STDIN?

What is that?

service: hassio.addon_stdin
  addon: "core_ssh",
  input: "ha core update"

Can you do that to update the supervisor or operating system somehow?

Yup - type “ha” in to the ssh and terminal addon, and you can see all the things it can do.
Off my head though I believe it’s:

ha core update to update the core.
ha supervisor update to update the supervisor and
ha os update to update the operating system.

Is there a way I can make a script or something that automatically get executed to run the command upon a boolean variable being turned on?

Yup, it’s just an automation with a call service action.
with that:

service: hassio.addon_stdin
  addon: "core_ssh",
  input: "ha core update"

as the call service

Ooohhhhhh, sorry I totally misunderstood. I think I
Got it now, can you test it if you don’t have an update to apply at the time somehow?

Yeah so that didn’t work, I even manually entered it into terminal