Use Radio Thermostat Temperature as SENSOR for HomeKit Automation

I have my CT-50 Radio Thermostat set using the climate platform and HA and HomeKit see it just fine. Is there a way to add a SECOND platform for the device as a sensor? I would like to use it as a sensor for my indoor temperature so I can automate a switch to turn on a window air conditioner unit using an IR transmitter.

This may be doable in HA alone, but for automations I’ve been more comfortable using HomeKit sees the Radio Thermostat but it cannot create an automaton based on the sensor data because it’s listed as “climate”.

Thanks! This community has been so helpful as I bring my 70 year-old house into the 21st Century.

Use a template sensor to get the state from the thermostat. You can find all the attributes that are available in the developer area of the web page.

- platform: template
      value_template: "{{ states.climate.upstairs.attributes.current_temperature }}"
      friendly_name: "HVAC Upstairs Temp"
      unit_of_measurement: "°F"