Invalid config for [sensor]: offset {% if is_state("binary_sensor.workday_sensor", "on")
and now().hour > 7 and now().hour < 9 -%}
{% else %}
{% endif %} should be format 'HH:MM' or 'HH:MM:SS' for dictionary value @ data['scan_interval']. Got None. (See ?, line ?).
I looked at the documentation for this platform… I have not seen any “scan_interval” parameter…
But as mentioned, you can refresh the sensor with a defined frequency using automations…
See documentation for more details…
Actually, it does mention it, just not in the configuration variables section. Like most “entity based” integrations, scan_interval applies (and is documented in the link I provided above.)
Yes, if by “drop” you mean make much longer. The default for this integration is updating every 5 minutes. If you want to update less often (and/or on demand via an automation), you need to specify scan_interval with a very large time. E.g.:
days: 365
Otherwise it would still update every 5 minutes, in addition to updating on request.
Thanks for clarifying… but there is no pain to put this parameter in the webpage of the documentation I mentioned, this will be more straight forward than looking to all possible parameters in various webpages for one platform… fortunately, there is a very good and active home assistant community !!!