Using a soap service inside HA


I have C# code that uses a soap service to send an SMS . Is there anyway to run soap calls inside HA?


Probably but why don’t you just use the built-in functionality for HA to send SMS messages?

Example, I have this set up in configuration.yaml (my cell phone is verizon and I use gmail)

  - name: "Ridgewood_Estate_Text_Message_ADMIN_ONLY"
    platform: smtp
    server: ""
    port: 587
    timeout: 15
    sender: "<my email address>"
    encryption: starttls
    username: "<gmail username>"
    password: "<google dedicated application password>"
      - "<my cell phone number>"
    sender_name: "Ridgewood Estate"

And then to call it and send the SMS from scripts or automations (actual automation example here):

alias: Notify Admin - Nest Learning Thermostat is unavailable (offline)
description: ""
mode: parallel
  - entity_id:
      - climate.nest_learning_thermostat
    to: unavailable
    trigger: state
conditions: []
  - data:
      message: Nest learning thermostat has gone offline
      title: >-
        Ridgewood Estate Automation at {{    
        now().strftime('%-I:%M%p').replace('AM','am').replace('PM','pm') }}
    action: notify.Ridgewood_Estate_Text_Message_ADMIN_ONLY

You could also use the command line sensor to call your C# code possibly

@KruseLuds Thanks for the suggestion.

My israeli carrier doesnt have the phone@ option that i know of


SOAP is just a specifically formatted XML payload.
If you know the XML payload, you should be able to use restful notifications with proper headers.